Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Interview!

For all you Illusauriheads out there, who toss and turn at night wondering, "Is Matthew Smith is his real name, or is he some type double agent?" Well...ANSWERS!! I just did an interview for Altpick, and it in all it's glory can be seen HERE!


Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

Cool stuff!

Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
I really like your style - I haven't seen anything like it before.

Unknown said...

yes, it awesome. you have a strong character.

Chloe Y. said...

thank you!
your portraits are so unique!!
very picasso-y. i love it.

fortwertz said...

Small world. I taught and coached in Hanover. We might have bumped elbows at some point, I guess. Ran in to your blog via i_Fri and enjoyed your articles. My students and I like your creative style!

Bobo said...

I really like your unique style, great works!