Friday, October 19, 2007

Seattle Business Monthly

New piece I did for Seattle Business Monthly...enjoy!


get zapped said...

Beautiful color scheme. Love the shapes and all the growth!

sheree boyd said...

i love your color choices --- and the way you depict people

Anonymous said...


Natura said...

Very good! You have a great, great style.

Willie Baronet said...

My dna is growing already!

Anonymous said...

i really enjoy how you draw eyes and noses. you've got quite a distinct style. looking forward to seeing more in the future.

studio lolo said...

Nice style you've got here. My husband has an interest in biotech so I sent him your link. Love the DNA garden...great work!

Anonymous said...

great one, as usual. i like the color palette

imwithsully said...

What a great piece!!!

Diandra Mae said...

I really enjoy the unique style you have. (The eyes are definitely a focus point.) There is a great color harmony in this piece. I also like how you've created visual interest without it being overwhelming or cluttered. Nice job!

Grant Newton said...


Colors and all, fantastic.